Check Availability

    First name

    Last name

    Email Address


    Florida town/city where event will take place

    Event type

    Is your event formal or casual?

    How many people will be attending?

    Event date

    Event start time

    Event end time

    Requested hours of photo booth services

    Are you interested in 4x6 prints for an additional fee?

    Would you like to learn more about our photography services?

    How did you hear about BTTR Booths? Please check all that apply.
    FacebookInstagramWedding WireThumbtackEmailGrouponFriend/familyOther

    Questions/special requests

    This website will store my submitted information so BTTR Booths Orlando can respond to my inquiry.
    I consent

    No Groupon or other purchase should be made until availability is confirmed. Any inquires made between Friday and Sunday may not receive a response until Monday due to weekend events.
    I have read and understood the above statement.

    BTTR Booths